
Connecting, inspiring and empowering women to lead the way

  • 26 Jul 2019 14:03 | Deleted user

    Stephanie Gicquel, Long Distance Runner, Polar Explorer, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Lawyer shares some highly unique insight about her 2,045 kilometres expedition across the Antarctic via the South Pole for! Stephanie relays fundamental points which she has learnt throughout her expeditions and talks about her environmentally friendly initiatives. The importance of teamwork and having hobbies outside of work are also discussed! Read below to find out more.

    You are the first French woman to have run a marathon around the North Pole by -30 ° C. You have also crossed the Antarctic via the South Pole for 2,045 kilometers in 74 days by -50 ° C, the longest expedition on foot without traction sail done by a woman in Antarctica (Guinness World Records). How did you get into this type of challenging sports and what was your driving motive to pursue these expeditions?

    I enjoy adventures and for me this means stepping out of my comfort zone. I therefore initiated and experienced several challenges and have many more yet to come!

    I have always been attracted by endurance sports and polar regions – even more so now that I explored Greenland, Spitsbergen, North Pole, Antarctica.

    I had read so many books about these regions and at some point felt I had to make my own expeditions in these areas to get closer to the reality and truth of how they actually were.

    When I decided to walk 2,045 kilometres across Antarctica, I could have been discouraged numerous times. I had read Reinhold Messner’s book about his expedition across the Antarctica wherein he described his time as the most challenging and painful mountaineering experience- alongside his ascent of mount Everest- he had ever had.  Additionally, I could also have been discouraged by the list of adventurers who had died in Antarctica, or when my potential sponsor decided not to fund me because the risk of me dying was too high! Lastly, I was told time and time again that as a woman, this expedition would be impossible! I accumulated all these doubts and decided to transfer them into positive energy which made me work harder.

    When I reached my goal to cross Antarctica after walking over 2,045 kilometers, my body weight was down to 39kg. When temperature dropped down to -50°C for several days, I did no longer feel my fingers and toes. When I had to walk longer hours and sleep only 4 to 5 hours to recover, hunger would still wake me up in the middle of the night. I knew what it took me to get there and only a severe injury could have taken me out of Antarctica. I never felt like giving up.

    In your books On naît tous aventurier and Across Antarctica expedition as well as in the conferences and workshops you organize, you share some of the key lessons you have learned throughout these expeditions. Could you share some with us? In particular, what lessons can be applied to the professional word?

    First key takeaway would be: be focused and passionate. I would actually not have survived two days on the ice in Antarctica if I had not been focused and passionate about this expedition. I think everyone should suss out their own “Antarctica challenge” whatever it may be and then go for it. 

    Second key takeaway is that no one should be afraid to change. I found out that it does not really matter if this change leads to a success or a failure. Taking a different route is not so much about what you earn, it is mostly about what you learn. If you do not succeed at first, try and try again!

    Taking a different path is not so much about what you earn as a result, it is mostly about what you learn along the way.

    Third key takeaway is to remember that nothing comes with absolute ease. Working hard, working efficiently, and working together with experts, specialists and a team aiming for a same goal is vital for professional growth.

    A fourth key takeaway is optimism. This is key if you need to reach a finish line which is far off!  To visualize the steps that are needed for you to get to your desired goal will help you stay motivated and optimistic! For example, I imagined before I did my Antarctica trip that I would have to walk 10 to 16 hours a day everyday despite the strong and cold wind and that my clothes would be permanently frozen with no possibility to change them during weeks. As such, I was better prepared for when these things did happen!

    There are actually many other key takeaways from these experiences, but most importantly is to remain self-confidence– it is something you build up overtime. The best way to start is to take the first step and try. 

    You have founded an association to raise young people’s awareness about the beauty of the polar regions and their importance for the global climate change. Could you tell us more about this initiative and what has drawn you to commit yourself to the environment?

    I funded a non-profit charity to promote polar regions whilst also having given talks at the French Ministry of Ecology, COP21, COP22, etc. I frequently visit schools to raise environmental awareness by sharing the beauty of the polar regions and their importance for the global climate change. Every time I go for a polar exploration, one of my main goals is to bring back photos and videos as it can improve people’s understanding and knowledge about the importance of these regions.

    Every time I go for a polar exploration, one of my main goals is to bring back photos and videos as it can improve people’s understanding about the importance of these regions!

    Alongside being lawyer and teacher, you always found time to do sports. How important is it, do you feel, to have a hobby or a passion alongside work?

    I feel like this is a way to keep learning.  And at some stage learning is actually the only way to grow. 

    Even if you are very good at what you are doing and are an expert in your field you can still continue to grow by exploring different environments. By doing so, you may go back to your field of expertise and look at it with different eyes.

    You have organized team-building workshops and conferences. What role has teamwork played throughout your professional and personal life?

    As mentioned above, working together with a team of experts, specialists and with a team aiming for a same goal is key if you want to progress.  Even running is not a solo sport. I would not have won ultra-trails, the 24 Hour French Championships, and would not have been able to prepare efficiently for the World Athletics Championships without a committed team. I am depended on their advice with regards to nutrition, body recovery, adaptation to environmental stresses and so on.  The key is to find out and gather the best team members and this does take some time. However, it is more efficient to take more time to build a team upfront rather than struggling alone.

    Working together with a team of experts, specialists and a team aiming for the same goal is essential if you want to professionally progress!

    For example, I recently prepared and succeeded in the World Marathon Challenge, a challenge to run seven marathons around the world in seven days, together with several sponsors and with the INSEP which is the French national institute for sport and performance. Our goal was notably to collect a maximum of data regarding the adaptation of human body to environmental and climate stresses especially when performing long distance effort.

    What future goals are you working towards?

    I am now training for and focusing on the 2019 World Athletics Championships (24-hour run). There are many other projects I am thinking about - both in relation to endurance sport and polar regions.

    We have tradition at WIL of ending our interviews with a question from Proust’s questionnaire, as such: which living perosn do you most admire?

    I am inspired by every single person I meet. We all live interesting adventures and you can therefore always learn from someone else.

  • 24 Jul 2019 16:00 | Deleted user

    Christine Sturma, EMEA Service Delivery Senior Manager at Lenovo,  talks about how the Japanese working culture is and how it compares to the European one, how customer service varies per country, the changes the Tech sector has undergone in terms of gender balance and gives examples of what practices Lenovo has put to ensure gender diversity.  Lastly, vital qualities of female leadership are shared! Read more below!

    You started off your career in Japan, working for 13 years in a Japanese electronics company. What influenced your decision to move to Japan and how did the working styles differ to the European environment you are working in now?

    When I started University, the opportunity arose to do a training in Japan with a perquisite that I learn Japanese beforehand. I decided to take up this adventure and endeavor upon a new journey.

    Before moving, I took six months of Japanese classes to ensure that I could correspond, at the very least, on a basic level. Once I was in Japan, I worked for three months in an electronic district in Tokyo called Akihabara as a store clerck. This experience allowed me to discover and explore the unique culture of Japan.

    This experience left me in awe and consequently motivated me to carry on learning the language and to return at a later date to do my second training, this time in the “Japanese alps”. The company at the time was looking to expand the number of foreign employees and as such, I decided to apply.  As being chosen for the position, I spent three years in Tokyo working in International Logistics.

    With reference to the working styles, the biggest difference I noticed was that in Europe, individualism is fostered and encouraged whereas in Japan, employees adhere to a collective identity. As this collective identity predominates in the working environment, teamwork is considered vital, so much so, that when decisions need to be made, a consensus is nearly always met.  Hierarchy in Japan is very structured. One visible example is the language itself: you do not address the same way a person with higher/lower position, a person older/younger than you.  More so, in Japan the language already segregates people; depending on the age of a person and the job title they have, you modify your language accordingly.

    In Europe, individualism is fostered and encouraged whereas in Japan, employees adhere to a collective identity.

    When working on projects, the Japanese style of work means the process before execution takes a long time, with a lot of negotiating and renegotiating. Comparatively, when the project is put into action, it goes very smoothly as any possible hurdles have rigorously been assessed and resolved beforehand. Aside from this, Japan has a culture of continuous improvement, meaning that if actions don’t go to plan, a thorough analysis will take place to understand why it did not work and how this can be avoided in the future. I transferred this method onto my present European working environment.

    After managing different positions in the production environment, you decided to specialize in customer service. Can you tell us about the different positions you have attained wherein customer service played a pivotal role and how these roles varied?

    This first mission I had in terms of customer service was to transform a manufacturing workshop into a repair workshop. This meant we had to move from a very linear process to one which was more complex and that required a great deal of decision making. In addition, I had to ensure that the agents were retrained so that they could deliver necessary customer service. The second mission was to develop refurbishment programs across Europe, each time needing to achieve the right balance between the efficiency and speed. These first customer service experiences were though backoffice functions.

    After several years, I wanted to experience the front side of customer service. I was approached by Lenovo in 2008, only 2 years after merge with IBM. Lenovo at that time wanted to increase their portfolio of very large customers (so called Global customers) and service was critical. I became a Service account manager for prestigious international customers and built a lot from scratch: Service contracts & SLAs, reportings, customized service design. Once we acquired more customers, I had more people in the team and therefore my responsibilities grew. 5 years later, I was asked to lead the service delivery team covering South of Europe. The foundation of this position is to establish all necessary processes to provide best class customer service in a cost – effective manner for both B2B & B2C markets.

    You are leading the Service Delivery organization for the European sub region covering France, Iberia, Italy and Israel for both commercial and consumer Computer product ranges. What does the role entail and how do you adapt your working strategy per country?

    My role as Service Delivery organization for the European sub region constitutes enhancing the customers’ satisfaction by improving the quality of our services, identifying new features, building strong relationship with our customers (end customers but also distributors and retailers) while managing yearly budgets and financial objectives.

    With regards to adapting the working strategies per country, the differences aren’t so vast. Customers across the countries have similar expectations: fast and high-quality service. In addition, the principle applies to all countries: listen and act upon the demands and concerns of your customers. However, the way to deliver a service will differ per country. This stems from the geographical and cultural differences.

    As an example, in Israel, customers don’t like indirect mode of communication, they want to talk to our call center agents. Comparatively, in France, customers tend to go back to their point of sales to share their concerns on their product.

    Having worked within the Tech Sector for many years, what changes have you seen the industry undergone with regards to gender balance and what more do you feel can be done to ensure further equality?

    Whether it is a result of legislation pressure or because more companies have reached a level of maturity where they have started to realize the benefits of having more diverse workforces, gender balance within the Tech Sector has definitely increased!

    Gender balance within the Tech sector has increased because of Legislation pressure and because companies realize the benefits!

    To initiate further equality, we need to do more to increase the visibility of female role models. Young girls need to know about influential women in Tech so that they have someone they can look up to. There are enough female role models in the industry and therefore it’s time they are given due recognition. In addition, the traditional working structure needs to evolve so that it is more flexible and facilitating for family life: this will be of benefit for both women and men.

    You have been working for over 11 years at Lenovo, a partner of our Women Talent Pool program. What are some of the best practices in terms of gender equality you have observed there?

    Through a combination of global and local initiatives, mentoring opportunities, tailored programs for talented women, such as WIL Europe’s Women Talent Pool Program and through a celebration of the World’s Women’s day, Lenovo is tackling gender inequality. I am member of a voluntary group made up of employees from Lenovo where we try and promote diversity within the company.Initially, the group was focusing on gender equality but we have now added more pillars to our mission for more inclusion.

    Lenovo is tackling gender inequality through local initiatives, mentoring opportunities, programs and celebrating Women Day!

    Being a participant of Women Talent Pool Program, what are the main lessons you have taken away?

    The Women Talent Pool Program has equipped me with a strong understanding and a sound knowledge of the skills needed for the future. Specifically, learning about topics such as digital transformation and artificial intelligence, and the ways in which we need to change our leadership styles, has been of huge benefit to me. The various discussions, panel debates and talks about topics of the future has really opened my eyes to the many pressing issues we need to consider.

    I have since I joined the program dedicated more time on developing my curiosity on such topics to become an active source of proposal for improvements in my area of expertise, service.

    Concluding our interview with a question from Proust’s questionnaire: What is the quality you like the most in female leader?

    To answer this question, I thought of a female leader I admire and why. As such, I came up with Simone Veil who I admire for her courage to stand up to a male dominated world and fight for what she believed in. Therefore, the qualities I admire most in a female leader are courage and strength.

    « Ma revendication en tant que femme, c'est que ma différence soit prise en compte, que je ne sois pas contrainte de m'adapter au modèle masculin. » Simone Veil.

    (My claim as a woman is that my difference is taken into account, that I am not forced to adapt to the masculine model).

  • 28 Jun 2019 11:52 | Deleted user

    Interested in knowing what lessons a successful female leader is passing on to her children? Want to know about the biggest changes Deloitte has undergone, particularly in facilitating female leadership? Eager to know what mobility programs are and the importance of having them, how work experiences can shape your future, and how being proficient in different languages can help shape your professional and personal life? To find out more, read our interview with Céline Wehrle, Senior Manager for Global Employer Services at Deloitte Switzerland and participant in our Women Talent Pool program.

    You have been at Deloitte for over 10 years. How has your career developed and what are the biggest changes you have seen in the firm in that time?

    After passing the bar exam in France, I started my career at Deloitte in Zurich as a consultant in the Tax department. This was a great opportunity as it allowed me to use my legal expertise and my knowledge of different languages. The international work setting was what drew me in and still excites me today! Being able to take on different roles and collaborate with clients and colleagues from across the world has been very rewarding and a real boost for my career.

    Deloitte is meritocratic in its approach and rewards those who are willing to work hard and are open to new things, with many opportunities for professional development. Throughout my time with the firm, I had the chance to support many clients and was always supported by my leaders and recognized for my performance. This led to several promotions and eventually my current position at Senior Manager level.

    The biggest changes I have seen at Deloitte relate to our expansion in size and the services we offer. When I started, we had 400-450 employees in Switzerland. Today we have almost 2,000 professionals! In addition, not only do we have a much more diverse client base, but we also work in a much more interconnected way with other Deloitte offices around the world, particularly in Europe.

    In Global Employer Services, the team I currently work in at Deloitte, we see fewer employees re-locating as expats together with their families. Cost pressures have pushed international companies to focus on local hiring and contracting. At the same time, we deal with an increasing number of weekly commuters and employees on temporary assignments abroad or with regional travel requirements. The workforce in general is also becoming more flexible, and we see a growing number of set-ups where the traditional employment model is replaced or complemented by freelancers or other flexible arrangements.  

    The international work setting was what drew me in and still excites me today!

    You are supporting multinational firms with their global mobility programs, policies and strategy. What are mobility programs, and why are they important in our professional life today?

    A mobility program enables companies to have the right people working in the right location at the right time. It implements a company’s strategy and HR policies for providing a structure and flexibility to send employees to different locations according to skills and career development needs. In practice, this means deciding the right type of assignment (short-term, long-term, permanent move etc.), choosing the employees best fitted for the challenge and giving them the support they need.  From an employer perspective, it also means meeting regulatory requirements, such as ensuring that employees and their families have the correct visa and social security information and comply with tax rules. In today’s increasingly globalized world, the number of people working outside their home country or office location is greater than ever. However, the implications are often underestimated and insufficiently factored in – that is where we come in!

    Global mobility programs can also further support graduate scheme programs. Multinational companies want to attract and retain the best individuals. For graduates, one of the most effective ways of doing this is through schemes that allow individuals to rotate jobs within the company to see which area is best suited to their expertise and what they want. This may require them to work and move abroad.

    A mobility program enables companies to have the right people work in the right location at the right time

    Your work experiences have varied, from working for the Director of Mobile Networking Planning, Assistant to a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), supporting the Department fighting tax evasion and working for a number of law firms. These jobs were in Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Lausanne and now Zurich. Did the work styles differ between countries? And how did these different experiences help shape your career path?

    Working practices and working hours did not differ much, as I stayed within a Germanic environment. In Germany, organizations are more hierarchical and the working environment is more formal, whereas in Switzerland this is less so, making it easier to engage with people in managerial positions and learn from them.

    These different experiences helped me decide what I wanted to avoid as a job and which type of organization I wanted to work in. It encouraged me to think broadly about what type of career I wanted to pursue, with regard to both long-term and short-term prospects. It also gave me an insight into intercultural differences at work. For example, I learned that it’s best to avoid calling colleagues in southern countries very early in the morning. That actually made me think I should be working there because I am not an early bird at all!

    You speak five languages: French, German, English, Spanish and Italian. How has this benefited your career and in life in general?

    As I grew up in France with a Chilean father, I was brought up speaking both French and Spanish. I studied German, English and Italian at school, and I married a German, so I have been exposed to different languages throughout my life.

    Individuals may be experts in their field, but if they don’t speak English, it is hard for them to communicate in an international setting. An ability to speak languages lets you communicate with people globally, which can improve your career prospects and help you form relationships which you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Some of my best professional relationships are based on the fact that we can have discussions in the other person’s mother tongue– it creates a strong connection with people.

    Speaking numerous languages has been extremely useful for me in both professionally and personally, and I strongly recommend the learning of languages!

    Deloitte Switzerland is committed to increasing senior female leadership so that it reaches 30% by 2020.  Could you explain what Deloitte is doing to accomplish this?

    This goal has been supported in practice by a variety of measures, but for me and many of my female colleagues, the important thing is knowing that we work in an environment where reward and recognition are about performance, not gender.

    There is a program called Thrive which has been developed for future female leaders to help them improve their visibility, how to be vocal within an organization and how to support their ambition.

    New policies have been put in place that allow mothers to stay a bit longer on maternity leave (6 months instead of the 4 months provided by Swiss law) and to smooth the comeback to work. Employees can participate in pre- and post-birth workshops and coaching sessions on the topic of working parents. Parents of young children are allowed to reduce their contract to 80% FTE and they can buy additional holidays based on the number of children they have.

    Personally, the extended maternity leave has been of huge benefit for me as I recently had my second child. I was able to take a career break and am now ready to go back to work and perform at the expected level to further advance in my career.

    In terms of statistics, senior female leadership stood at 20 % in 2017 when the commitment to the 30% target was made, and we are currently at almost 28% with some time still to go before 2020.

    Being a mother of two daughters, what are the most valuable lessons you are passing on?  

    I try to teach them that being a good person means to do the right thing even when no-one is looking!

    I keep reminding them that we are very privileged, living in Western Europe where we take everything for granted – from health support to housing, infrastructure and a strong education system. We recently spent two months in Chile with my daughters, and it was a good lesson for them about what daily reality can be elsewhere.

    I also encourage my older daughter to speak out about what she wants, needs, thinks and feels. Most people expect girls to be in the space of feelings only so it takes a strong character to challenge this on a daily basis. And yes, playing soccer and going to a stadium to watch games as a four-year old is OK!

    Finally, we always end our interviews with the question: What do you value most in your colleagues?

    I appreciate that my colleagues have diverse values and stick to them. When they remain true to what they believe in, they are more clear about what they want. This clarity allows for more constructive dialogue, collaboration, and ultimately stronger outcomes.

  • 26 Jun 2019 14:25 | Deleted user

    Our Talent this month, Antigoni Papanikolaou, Legal & Corporate Affairs Director atMicrosoft Greece, Cyprus and Malt, sheds light on how Artificial Intelligence is affecting the tech sector and will shape the legal profession. She discusses what her role was in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, what she would be if she wasn’t a lawyer and why, what Microsoft is doing to adhere to GDPR, mentioning qualities of a great leader and a surprising historical figure she identifies with! Read the interview below to find out more!

    You have worked as in-house counsel for Coca-Cola Hella SA, Papastratos SA, a Philip Morris Affiliate, and are now presently at Microsoft Hellas SA. What made you move to the digital industry and how have these roles differed?

    The main motivation to move from FMCG to the technology sector was the challenge of the new and to grow further as a professional. Also, on a personal level, being a mother, I wanted to be closer and gain a better understanding of the digital world.

    Having been an in-house counsel in the FMCG and technology sector didn’t drastically differ. In both cases, you are advising, supporting customers on legal aspects of their activities and bringing a commonsense approach to the table. However, one difference is that I now have a 360 overview of the business as I am being member of the Leadership team of Microsoft Hellas, Cyprus & Malta, which requires me to constantly to stay up to date with the changing technological environment!

    Whilst at “Coca-Cola Hellas SA”, Athens, you were involved with the company’s sponsorship of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. What were your tasks throughout?

    I was the legal counsel of the Olympic Project team which oversaw the activation of The Coca-Cola Company sponsorship to 2004 Athens Olympic Games. My tasks constituted in negotiating and drafting contracts of a world class and high budgeted Olympic activation and Torch Relay program. I was monitoring and ensuring proper implementation of company’s Olympic sponsorship rights and I was a member of the Incident Management Core team.

    It was a lifetime experience as I learnt essential and unforgettable skills which have stayed with me throughout my professional life!

    As legal counsel of the Olympic Project Team, mytasks constituted drafting contracts of high budgeted Olympic activation and Torch Relay program.

    In 2016, you wrote an article named “The Trusted Cloud” wherein you stated the measures taken by Microsoft to ensure the users of your cloud computing system was safe. Since then, the GDPR has come into effect. How has Microsoft developed upon the measures laid out in your article?

    As part of Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to privacy, it has made a number of investments and improvements to its data handling practices to support GDPR and the privacy rights of individuals. It is difficult to concisely summarise all that has been done but if you look at Microsoft’s Trust Center, the tools which Microsoft is using are clearly and concisely laid out. With the Trust Center someone can discover the company’s privacy programs best practices and how its approaching regulations in accordance to GDPR Compliance.

    With Microsoft’s Trust Center, someone can discover the company’s privacy programs and how its approaching GDPR Compliance!

    How do you envision Artificial Intelligence (AI) changing the job of IT lawyers in the future?

    All areas of work will in some way be affected by AI. In reference to law, the greatest change thatwill appear is in the handling of data processing, research and transactional aspects of the work. The application of AI will help legal professionals to augment their ingenuity and to devote time and effort to what matters most, leaving behind the procedural type of work. Legal professionals will have a pivotal role to play in the development, formation, interpretation and implementation of new laws that may be needed in the future because of the impact of AI in the society at large.  

    AI will change the legal profession through its data processing, research and the transactional aspects of the work.

    If you wouldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? 

    I would like to be a doctor in neuroscience as I would like to do something innovative which could have a positive impact on humans in terms of making their life better. When my high school came to an end, I was torn between whether to pursue a medical or legal career. However, I do not regret for a second the decision to pursue legal studies!

    Being part of the Women Talent Pool Program and a member of the Local Leadership Team at Microsoft, means you are exposed to leaders and leadership skills. What do you consider are the factors which distinguish a good leader from a bad one?

    What makes a great leader is someone who is foremost visionary and afterwards empathetic and modest!

    Lastly, we always conclude our interviews with a question from Proust questionnaire: which historical figure do you most identify with?

    I cannot help but to think of the ancient tragedy of Sophocles the name of which I have, “Antigoni”. Antigoni is the daughter of the King Oedipus, king of Thebes, and Jocasta (Oedipus mother and wife), who attempts to bury her brother Polinices against King Creontas’ order because Polinices fought against his own city in an attempt to control. Antigoni is caught and is ordered to be buried alive by her uncle the King.

    Antigoni had gone against the law which was imposed by the King and instead followed the “natural” law which was formed on the basis of the societal principles and which honored her dead brother. She ensured he was given a formal funeral and did not allow his body to become food for vultures. She had to balance between what is legal and what was fair, and she had the stamina and strength to accept the consequences of her actions.

  • 29 May 2019 17:18 | Deleted user

    This month, WIL talks with our talent Diana Georgescu’s, 4P Consumer Lead for South East Europe, about what her current role entails and what the main differences are between consumers buying methods. Further discussions surrounding the changing hardware industry and Romania’s rapidly advanced Tech ecosystem are included. Additionally, Diana shares the practices put in place by Lenovo to ensure gender equality and provides an authentic answer to what she would most like to have as a talent! Want to know more? Read the interview bellow to find out!

    You are currently 4P Consumer Lead for South East Europe at Lenovo. What does this role entail?

    The 4P Consumer Lead role was designed from the Philip Kotler theory. This theory believes that the marketing purpose of elevating consumers well-being has to be put at the heart of company strategy and be practiced by all managers, therefore the product, price, place and promotion are all taken into consideration. In practice, this means analyzing market research, market pigmentation, planning in detail and much more! This role draws upon many aspects of the company to ensure that the product at hand satisfies the customer’s needs.

    In our department we decide where, why, what and who we sell our products to; we are really at the center of the sales department! Personally, I am responsible for the consumer segment for all of South East Europe, this includes: the Adriatic countries, Greece and Cyprus. The biggest different between these countries is the customers willingness to buy. Customers from Romania are completely different to those in Greece, where the people are looking for lighter and more colorful products.

    In our department we decide where, why, what and who we sell our products to; we are at the center of the sales department!

    Having over 15 years of experience in the IT&C Hardware sector, what are the biggest changes you have seen the industry undergo?

    There are huge differences! Around 10 years ago, there was a greater focus on the technical part of the product, meaning its components, configuration and so forth. Today, we are much more customer centric.

    This constitutes a greater consideration for the design, feel, mobility and connectivity! Customers want a product which is light, has a long battery life and of course, strong internet connection. With the easy access to information, people are more informed about the product beforehand. Combine this with our growing digitalized world, displaying products online, with an exception of a few, is essential.

    From the product perspective, the PC was the central priority. Now however, mobiles, tablets and then lastly PC’s are dominating the market. Evidently, there is a complete change of the hardware environment.

    The Tech ecosystem in Romania has hugely accelerated over the last few years. What do you feel are the factors that account for this growth?

    Romania has without a doubt moved quickly, from a country which was associated with the “East”, therefore far away from Technology and Innovation, to a country which is now a forerunner in the IT industry. The IT infrastructure paved the way for the rapid expansion of the Tech ecosystem in Romania. Coming from a country which had no Tech industry, it was easy to implement the newest technologies. This has enabled Romania to obtain the position as the 5th best country in the world for providing internet connection!

    Other factors which account for its acceleration are the increased use of English throughout Romania and the mandatory computer license taught throughout schools. These skills have equipped Romanians with the necessary tools to adapt to the increasingly global and digitalized world!

    Factors which account for Romania’s accelerated Tech Ecosystem is the increased use of English and the mandatory computer license taught throughout schools.

    In your opinion, what are the reasons for Romania having a high number of women in the Tech industry?

    When looking at Romania, we have a lot of female representatives within IT industry. This female work ethic stems from our history in which women have had to work throughout the ages, especially so after the war. Whilst growing up, my mother and father were always equal in their tasks. As we weren’t raised in an environment in which industries were either “male” and “female” orientated, we see a high number of females in Romania working for big Tech corporations. As a result of our history, the youth in Romania is drawn to the idea of working for corporations: they understand the financial benefits as well as the great working standards it can offer!

    I wasn’t raised in an environment in which industries were either “male” or “female”!

    Lenovo is a proud sponsor of our Women Talent Pool program (WTP) and Bloomberg has selected Lenovo for the 2019 Gender-Equality Index, indicating its ongoing commitment to inclusion and diversity. Can you give some examples of ways in which Lenovo has ensured the latter?

    Lenovo is based on the values of respect and diversity. As a result, gender equality is at the very core of the company’s policies. As an example, we have an initiative called Lenovo women in leadership which acts as an umbrella in which all activities promoting gender equality are organized. I am the ambassador for South East Europe for WIL and can confirm that we have organized many local gatherings to ensure female leaders are given a platform to promote and inspire. These gatherings also allow younger talents within the company to learn from these leaders and to speak about their actions, developments and achievements.

    Aside from this, we have a mentoring system in place in which young professionals within the company can pick either a male of female leader to learn from and to turn to for advice.

    Gender equality is at the core of Lenovo’s policies!

    You are a participant of the 4th edition of our Women Talent Pool Program (WTP). What has been your highlight so far and what have you learnt?

    The WTP program has offered many new perspectives on working environments and career choices. The resources WIL Europe has provided, through workshops, events and discussions has motivated me to share my understanding of the topics surrounding gender diversity, inclusions and equality. I have met so many interesting individuals who have clarified what inclusion and diversity actually means, and ways in which we can establish this within our teams and beyond.

    I have also developed a sense of duty in which I feel I need to share the information I have acquired, so that gender equity will prevail, and that unconscious bias will be no more. Therefore, I am now regularly volunteering at high schools and speaking at different events. I promote and share my career path and talk about my experiences and challenges. There comes a point in your personal and professional life that you need to start to give, that is why I want to inspire others with the knowledge I have accumulated throughout my life!

    I joined the program not knowing what to expect, but as it now comes to an end, I am thankful for all that I have learnt and advocate this great opportunity to others!

    There comes a point in your personal and professional life that you need to start to give.

    You have ample experience in managing and leading a team. In your opinion, what makes a good leader?

    A great leader is one that can inspire others, through their actions and personalities. So much so that the employees are encouraged to go beyond their usual role and try new methods and practices. A leader is not a manager! They differ in the sense that a leader brings out the best of an employee, whilst a manager is merely assigned by the company and doesn’t necessary possess these indispensable skills!

    In a world were there is an abundance of choice, it takes courage to pick a certain direction. A solid leader will offer strength to individuals when they need to choose.

    Personally, whatever actions I take I aim to inspire others through my behavior and motivation, this applies in both a professional and private environment!

    A great leader is one that can inspire others, through their actions and personalities.

    Lastly, we always finalise our interviews with a question from Proust’s questionnaire, therefore: Which talent would you most like to have? Why?

    What a great question, this really took me out for my work mindset! When I am satisfied about my career and will make some more time for personal interests, I want to start woodwork!

    The talent therefore that I would most like to get in one day is to be a skilled woodworker! I like using raw materials and being part of nature as it gives me a sense of peace and calm. I also grew up watching my grandfather making items out of wood and would therefore like to carry on this legacy.

  • 28 May 2019 18:42 | Deleted user

    Nermeen Abou Gazia, CEO, Al Alfi Foundation for Humanitarian Development offers insights into Egypt’s reformed educational polices, specifically so its greater emphasis on a “self-learning” approach. Nermeen explains how Al Alfi Foundation for Humanitarian Development is adopting a three-pillar approach by identifying young talent, investing heavily in youth and women empowerment initiatives and working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, whilst also discussing what entrepreneurship entails and successful management. Read the interview below to find out more!

    You are currently the CEO of Al Alfi Foundation for Humanitarian Development. How does a normal working day look like for you?

    Having been working for more than 25 years and being a mother of two children, my main priority is finding a work-life balance. I really have two work shifts: one where I am meeting with clients and going to meetings, and the other where I am being a mother taking care of my children. 

    My work is not a typical 9-5 job and I am not following the micro-management, as I strongly believe in my team and in the importance of ownership. We are a team that is not big in numbers, yet each employee has their own project or initiative which I allow them to execute accordingly. As far as work engagement are concerned, I am available 24/7. Personally, I find this convenient, as the flexibility allows me to multitask and provides me with a balance in life.

    I am not following the micro-management, as I strongly believe in my team and in the importance of ownership.

    You are currently managing several educational entities and initiatives with regional and international partners. Could you elaborate and explain what these initiatives are?

    Essentially, we are working on three central pillars. Firstly, to identify the talents of different students and empower them through enrichment programs, so that we facilitate both the students and teachers. Currently, we are serving more than 150 students in the top international university, which is a considerably large number when comparing it to other NGOs in the Middle East.

    Secondly, we strive to have a more horizontal approach because we consider scholarships to have a more vertical approach. The horizontal approach consists of investing heavily in youth and women empowerment initiatives, which we started last year. Additionally, we have gotten involved with both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, in order to conduct and provide a global forum to over 8,000 youth from across Egypt over the course of three days. It is comparable to “Ted Talks”, as we bring in executives who deliver inspiring presentations during this forum to the youth of Egypt.

    Lastly, we are working closely with the government, in particular with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education in order reach our objectives. For four years now, Egypt has been experiencing complete transformation, so we are striving to support the executive execution of the plan from different perspectives.

    You completed your bachelor’s degree in Egypt, master’s degree in Germany and have in-depth understanding of the MENA- Middle East and North African education system. How does their approach to education differ and what aspects of the differing system do you applaud?

    Egypt has been going through a large transformation. The main component that German and other international institutions are applying is encouraging the independent “learning” approach and investing in “lifelong” learning. In Egypt, we are striving to adapt this “self-learning” approach whilst simultaneously empowering the youth to develop the competences required to have the ability to work.

    In addition, we are trying to implement “lifelong” learning, so that even if one has already finished their degree, they feel empowered to continue learning throughout their life. When I set out to do my masters, I was forty years old, making me the oldest among the others. I wanted to study something that would refresh my knowledge and my learning. The different ways of studying and teaching has been beneficial throughout my career trajectory.

    In Egypt, we are striving to adapt this “self-learning approach” seen in mainland Europe, whilst simultaneously empowering the youth to develop the competences required to have the ability to work”. 

    Could you tell us about the path that led you to become the Vice Board Member to the National Council of Education in Egypt, what the role entails and how Egypt’s educational policies have developed over time?

    Although the government and the current president are committed to improving the education system in Egypt, implementation has remained problematic. The population consists of more than 100 million people, meaning that making large scale change requires efforts and inputs across all sectors, boards and industries. 

    The NGO and I, working closely with the Ministry, are facing a plethora of challenges the community’s acceptance of the change, specifically so in relation to new technologies. The driving force for change is the students themselves, as they are hungry for change and equally so, enthused by new technologies. We have been working from several perspectives in order for Egypt to experience these global changes that are happening and to have the country realize how much potential there is for growth.

    The foundation is striving to engage and play a vital role in this transformation, by realizing what is happening globally and bringing it to the community here in Egypt. It is important to note that with education globally, each system is always looking to improve. For this reason, we are not trying to fully imitate another education system, but at the same time, we look to other countries, as we are all in the process of adapting to changes in technology and other factors.

    The driving force of Egypt’s change in educational policies are the students, they are hungry for change and enthused by new technologies!

    You were the first female Egyptian entrepreneur to be nominated in the women mentoring leadership program 2007 and you are now currently a participant of our Women Talent Pool Programme. From your experience, what is the significance of participating in such programs?

    In 2007, I had a wonderful mentor that was a top businesswoman in Sweden who really inspired me during our one month together. On both a personal and professional level, we were very much aligned and therefore still keep in contact. In general, such programs really empower me and give me a network comprised of women from different nationalities and cultures.

    These programs have provided me with role models and given me the opportunity to present my country. They have motivated me to want to play a role in empowering future generations later on in life, so that one day, I too can be a mentor.

    Program such as WIL have provided me with role models and given me the opportunity to present my country.

    How important do you feel it is to foster and facilitate entrepreneurship and do you consider it as a tool to ensure sustainable economic growth and job creation?

    Having your own project does not necessarily mean that you are an entrepreneur. For example, I have always considered myself an entrepreneur, even though I am an employee in a job. Being an entrepreneur is having a certain mindset that has no limitations. An entrepreneur is innovative, passionate, adaptable to change as well as creative.

    For the organisation, ideas that one may perceive as normal that we are implementing here in Egypt, are new for us! As entrepreneurs, we are striving to change the mindset of the youth and women. This does not mean that we experience success on the first steps, but by working with all of the values mentioned above, initiatives can be achieved. 

    An entrepreneur is innovative, passionate, adaptable to change as well as creative!

    To finalise our interviews, we conclude with a question from Proust, as such: what is a virtue you value most?

    Perseverance is the virtue that I value the most. In life, you have to “run it with passion”. For example, last month we had this global forum, and everyone told us that we did not have enough time, as we only had two weeks to prepare. But we made it happen. I look at it and I say, two weeks ago we thought it was impossible, but by believing in ourselves and having perseverance, we made it come to fruition. This is why perseverance is the value that continues to inspire me. 

    Perseverance is the virtue that I value the most. In life, you have to “run it with passion”.

  • 01 May 2019 14:49 | Deleted user

    Linda Fjære Sløk, 4P/ Category Manager PC at Lenovo shares an insiders account of the developments Lenovo has undergone in the last decade, specifically so to facilitate a more inclusive, dedicated and ambitious working environment. Linda talks about the implementation of Lenovo’s new ThinkPad.

    You have 15 years of experience working in the computer hardware industry. What are the main challenges and changes you have seen the industry undergo?

    We are in a fast-moving industry and therefore we never stand still at Lenovo. Each quarter in the PC business can be compared to a year in many other industries. It is necessary to micromanage every day and have clear plans and ambitions. You need to have the right high-quality products and the right price at any given time together with the right business model to be the best in our industry. Now more than ever, I think we see a more customer centric driven industry, as such we are learning something new every day!

    We are in a fast-moving industry and we never stand still at Lenovo!

    You were working on implementing Lenovo's ThinkPad ® strategy. What does this entail and on a more general note, what factors need to be taken into consideration when bringing new devices onto the market? 

    Although ThinkPad is an extremely strong brand and one would assume that it is easier to extend its portfolio, in my experience it always takes longer than expected. We need to give new products time to be explored both by our business partners and customers. ThinkPad is a high-quality brand and like with many new products, categories must be supportive, be well-tested and have the lowest fail-rate in the industry

    You have been at Lenovo for 12 years, starting of as Brand Manager and later moving to your current position as PC Category Manager/4P. What made you switch positions and what do you feel are the key lessons and skills you have learnt throughout these differing managerial positions? 

    I started on the product side and was travelling a lot to customers and business partners in Norway. It was very interesting to get to know the people using and selling our products every day and gave me a lot of insights into our business. When the 4P role was established in Lenovo 10 years ago I moved to Denmark as I had the opportunity to combine both the product part and the strategy part of the business and have responsibility of the total business plan. I have always been a bit of a “business head”, eager to bring our business to a higher and better level, and that is exactly what I am able to do in my current role. We have worked hard and have climbed from 15% to 50% market share in Denmark: I am very proud of what our team has done. Hard work combined with an ambitious and stabile organization and with the right people, are key to success.

    Lenovo has climbed from 15% to 50% market share in Denmark, I am very proud of what we have done as team.

    Aside from work, what do you do in your free time to relax and unwind?

    As a mum of two kids aged 6 and 9 years old, there is not much time left at the end of the day. However, I plan my week with a detailed degree to ensure I have time to exercise and to meet up with friends or go out with my husband. When summer comes, I really relax by being in my garden and going to our summerhouse!

    A recent global survey, which was taken by Lenovo employees, showed that more than 85% of its workers felt that the environment they worked in was inclusive, equal and respectful. What policies, initiatives and actions have been put in place to enable and facilitate such a setting?

    Lenovo has changed a lot since I started, it has significantly grown in size! I have never been bored in Lenovo because we change the structure every year, new goals every quarter, big ambitions and new achievements. I personally feel the organization is open minded as we all run for the same goal, therefore, the organization listens to you as an individual and as a team.  I think Lenovo is working hard to bring the best out in people and value what we do.

    At Lenovo we change the structure every year, have new goals every quarter, big ambitions and new achievements!

    You are currently participating in our Women Talent Pool Program. What do you enjoy most about the program and is there something which has surprised you whilst talking with the network and partaking in our events?

    I am humble to have been selected for the talent program. It is a pleasure to meet so many talented and inspiring women across Europe. They really inspire me in the way they handle both tasks at work and at home and show me that everything is possible. Women really need to work on their confidence and understand that not delivering 100% is sometimes ok! In this talent program I have also had the pleasure to have our SVP President for EMEA who is my mentor and has given me good high level perspectives on our business, whilst simultaneously inspiring me to continue to grow as a person and as a professional.

    We have tradition at WIL, in which we conclude our interviews with a question from Proust questionnaire. Therefore: which living person do you most admire? 

    It is not possible single out one person. There are so many individuals that I admire, who are at different levels and roles in life. My conclusion is: Be the change you want to see!

  • 24 Apr 2019 22:43 | Deleted user

    We had the pleasure of interviewing Lara de Miranda, a participant of our Women Talent Pool program (WTP) and Consumer and Commercial Marketing Lead for Middle East and Africa at Lenovo. Having worked as a marketing manager for the African sections of major companies such as SAP and Samsung, Lara elaborates on the different work cultures that countries bring with them to their target markets. She emphasizes the need to adapt marketing strategies both over time and for each country of operation, as well as the importance of having influences that support Women in Leadership in the workplace. Read the interview below to find out more!

     Having completed your education in South Africa, do you think you were offered a different perspective than if you had studied in Europe?

    Studying in South Africa certainly offered me a different perspective compared to Europe. There are some world-class educational institutions in South Africa, but at the same time South Africa is still considered an ‘emerging market’. Thus, the experience isn’t comparable to studying in a ‘developed market’.

    Having worked at three companies, Samsung, SAP and Lenovo, with different geographic origins, do you find that the way of doing business differs among these companies, or do they follow a similar model? How well do you think they have adapted to the African markets?

    All three differ slightly in their model but have adapted admirably to the African markets. Samsung has adapted well to the South African market even though there is still a strong Korean influence present. The SAP model runs with precision. Lenovo has adapted to the South African market due to a strong collaborative local team. The South African division has a strong leader who understands the market and cultural diversity and greatly supports women in leadership as exhibited with the active efforts made to ensure female inclusion in varying events and programs.

    You recently became Lenovo’s Consumer and Commercial Marketing Lead for Middle East and Africa, marking your first foray into the Middle East market. How have you had to adapt your approach to markets in these countries, and has it been greatly different from your experience with African markets?

    Every market is unique and each country has its own cultural and politico-economic particularities. Consumer buyer behaviors also differ across countries, and this holds true whether in Africa or in the Middle East. Thus, you do have to adapt your strategies depending on the countries targeted since it isn’t a one-size fits all approach, making it a challenging yet enjoyable process!

    Fundamental cultural differences certainly exist and influence consumer buying patterns and behaviors. There are also differences in terms of seasonality. For example, in the South African market the education cycle starts in January, whereas in the Middle East it would start in September. Hence there are differences in the planning and execution of varying marketing strategies!

    Every market is unique, and each country has its own cultural and politico-economic particularities

    How has the field of marketing evolved since you first began studying it? Is there a need to rethink certain strategies?

    Things within the marketing field have changed drastically in the last 20 years or so. There has been a big shift from traditional marketing strategies, which were minorly complemented by digital marketing when I first began studying. Now, you need to adapt marketing strategies to include digital and social media as integrated parts of marketing plans. I predict in the future that the scales are going to tip even further towards digital marketing, and the role will be reversed for traditional marketing.

    What are some valuable lessons, ideas and thoughts you have taken away, whilst being a Women Talent Pool participant?

    I am very grateful for the opportunity to be part of the WTP program! The exposure and the learnings have been invaluable, with the panel discussions and networking sessions being the highlights of the program. The topics that the panels discussed such as digitalization, diversity, sustainability, CSR, AI and startups were often those that you don’t have a chance to discuss daily, lending a different perspective. It is also quite inspiring to see women in high-profile positions, and to learn about their journey and the challenges they faced!

    It is quite inspiring to see women in high-profile positions, and to learn about their journey and the challenges they faced!

    We always end our interviews with a question from Proust’s questionnaire, therefore: What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

    So far, getting my MBA with a distinction for my thesis has been my greatest achievement! My move to Dubai and looking after the African and Middle East markets in my new role has also been quite an achievement for me. However, ‘Watch this space’ because I’m not finished yet!  I am hopeful there will be bigger achievements to come!

    “Watch this space’ because I’m not finished yet, I am hopeful there will be bigger achievements to come!

  • 29 Mar 2019 13:25 | Deleted user

    This month we had the pleasure of speaking to Elise Bruillon, a WTP participant who has years of experience in Business Management, Data Protection, Privacy and areas involved with Digital and IT. She talks about the practices put in place by Orange to try and combat gender divisions yet highlights the ongoing gender discrimination that perpetuates throughout Tech sector and society as a whole. She offers pragmatic remedies to try and overcome this.  Interested to know more about the development of cyber-security, gender related issues, what the GDPR means and a motto that Elise lives by? Read the interview to find our more.

    Could you tell us more about your current position, how you came to work for Formind, and what you enjoy most about your job?

    After obtaining a law degree, I worked as legal counsel and then at Orange for numerous years, specialising in security and risk management. Last year, I was contacted by Formind, they were looking for a senior “Swiss army knife” capable to conduct and support very different yet specific projects on cyber-security and compliance. Now as Project Director at Formind, I support key accounts in implementing GDPR, whilst also undertaking IT security compliance projects. 

    As Formind is a relatively small company, I really enjoy being able to draw upon my multi-disciplinary background. The size also fosters an environment in which open and frank decisions are held in a participatory and egalitarian manner. This way of working is not only of benefit to my clients, but also for me personally, as my work remains diverse and varied and as such, extremely interesting! To give you an idea of how my day looks, I can be a commercial agent in the morning, whilst in the afternoon, a legal consultant in GDPR. The freedom and ability to explore different missions within the same position, whilst sharing my expertise with a mostly younger workforce, influenced my decision to make the jump and move to Formind.

    I can be a commercial agent in the morning, whilst in the afternoon, a legal consultant in GDPR.

    Formind was awarded for the second time, a “Happy at Work” label. This label testifies to the well-being of all employees within the company. You worked over 16 years for Orange, what good practices have been implemented, specifically so in terms of gender equality? 

    At Orange, a mentoring system for women was put in place. Drawing on my own experience, this initiative- alongside the support measures and excellent guidance from HR officers and managers-really helped me become more visible within the organisation. This visibility in turn, provided me with the possibility of forming new internal connection and as such, allowed me to grow and progress within the company by acquiring new positions.

    Do you feel there is still gender discrimination in the workplace?

    I would be lying if I said that women don’t face discrimination within the workplace, we definitely do! This is why I stand behind the belief that women must never doubt nor underestimate their own worth or capability, for in doing so, one will stump their own professional growth. Professional development can be tough, often I compare it to a marathon, it is just about repetitively running time and time again, till the goal has been met and your potential has been achieved.

    Within my field of work, establishing gender balance remains a perquisite. Although formal policies and voluntary practices are often put in place to ensure gender balance, I question whether this is enough and whether it can really get to the root of the problem. Personally, I believe that education has the power to combat inherently gender divided work environments. Both boys and girls must be taught from a young age that there is no question of gender, therefore not to align to either pink or blue, aspire to be a ballerina or footballer, or believe that house work remains within the domain of a woman’s and paid work, that of a man’s.

    Although there is still a lot that needs to be done, France has adopted the policy of a shared parental responsibility and custody. This grants fathers the opportunity to spend more time with their children. This has definitely instigated a shift in French society, rocking the foundations upon which gender roles are born! Thanks to this policy, I have observed a greater link between male and female colleagues regarding childcare and hope to see more developments like these in the future!

    Education has the power to combat inherently gender divided work environments.

    After years of negotiations, a new European regulation regarding data protection for EU citizens has been adopted last summer. The GDPR has often been criticized as being ineffective, especially so when it comes to financial sanctions against big cooperations such as Google. What is your opinion of the new GDPR regulation and how effective do think it is?

    There are two mains reasons to explain the adoption of the GDPR:

    The first one is for the personal protection of EU citizens. The data market is not owned by European companies but by Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft (hereinafter GAFAM), thus the only way to keep all the European citizens data inside Europe, was to regulate it at the European level. The second reason concerns GAFAM’s new business model. These companies often extracted data from their own users and used it to their own advantage. This was often done without the knowledge or consent of their users.

    Consequently, a regulation was needed to prevent GAFAM abusing their power and therefore, offer back control of personal data to data subjects themselves. Therefore, it aimed at improving the ethics of a business model which relies on the free aspects of your legal identity. We often say that if a service is free, it’s because you’re the product!

    The negotiations were the result of effective lobbying by consultancy firms. As an IT security professional, it’s intriguing to see the life cycle of a legal instrument. GDPR offers a better compliance system as it is not just a text which describes obligations and liability regarding personal data processing, but also ensures companies standards- concerning the handling of personal data- is binding. Companies are now required to think twice before collecting and processing customer’s personal data and, must be transparent in their handling of data.

    Having focused on internet security throughout most of your professional career, what changes have you seen with regards to cybersecurity and how do you feel we can build a safer cyber world? 

    When I started, the cyber-attacks were mainly focused on systems and hardware, but over time they have started to target the individual’s legal identity, including sextortion and harassment-type attacks. We have transitioned from an internet domination form of hacking to a terror-based form of hacking. The risk is not the technology itself but its use. There are three main ways to ensure that new technologies will only be beneficial to its users.

    Firstly, national governments should adopt specific rules in order to protect by professional secrecy bug bounty experts. Secondly, I think that we should stop creating an overload of legal texts to govern specific cases, as over regulating can prevent innovation. This is exemplary with artificial intelligence, where extensive legal texts can really hinder great inventions. Third and foremost, there must be greater efforts done to raise awareness and provide training on cyber-attacks such as phishing, ransomware. These forms of attacks often stem from human’s vulnerabilities.

    Therefore, I am once again emphasising the power and importance of educating people, this time about technology! I use my smart phone on a daily basis, for professional emails, to call my daughter’s teacher, to buy tickets for Milan where the next WIL event will take place- we are in an age of digital transformation and we must ensure people don’t get left behind, not only for the prevention of attacks, but also because of the economic, social and political transformations that are occurring because of these new innovations!

    You are currently participating in our Women Talent Pool (WTP) Programme. What have you enjoyed the most and learnt so far? 

    The networking element is something which I truly value. At the Telecom ParisTech engineering institution, I teach the course “Legal and Risk management”. I often reiterate the importance of networking to the few female students I have. Building relations within fields which are largely male dominated is essential if we are to see an increase of female visibility and recognition.

    When the possibility arises, I will attend digital networking events such as LinkedIn conferences, ones organized by French curiosity and WIL. I like being part of the WIL Women Talent Pool Programme find it interesting to be able to meet and discuss with a range of women from different sectors and across numerous European continents. In addition, the program really allowed me to put my career in perspective; it made me realise what I did and didn’t want in professional life.

    Building relations within fields which are largely male dominated is essential if we are to see an increase of female visibility and recognition.

    At WIL, we have the tradition of concluding the interview with a question from Proust’s questionnaire. What motto do you live by?

    My moto in life is: “The only cure for vanity is laughter, and the only fault that is laughable is vanity”. It was written by one of my favorite philosopher’s, Henri Bergson. He has worked the relationship between “intelligence” and “intuition”. Generally, one attributed intelligence to men and intuition to women. It shows that the progress made in mathematics are via an intuitive intelligence.

    Moreover, he believed very much in the link between mathematics and philosophy, and he promoted a new way of living, focusing mainly on happiness, sincerity and love. Not only do I apply this way of living into my personal life, I also try to incorporate it into my professional life, because at the end of the day, we must not take our jobs too seriously as really, “It is only work”.

  • 28 Mar 2019 17:20 | Deleted user

    This month we had the pleasure of interviewing our Women Talent Pool Participant Alessia Gasponi. She presently works at Softlab as Market Innovation Consultant and has extensive experience in the field of Communications. Alessia sheds light on the effects of digital transformation and pinpoints the fundamental factors that businesses must consider when taking steps into this futuristic era! Further discussions around the recent changes Softlab has undergone, both in terms of the newly available services and the internal restructuring which has seen an increase in employee satisfaction, are included! Lastly, Alessia shares a life changing moment which allowed her to reflect and put into perspective, the important elements in life. Eager to know more? Read the interview below to find out!

    Having extensive experience in the field of Communications, how has corporate communication, digital marketing and social media communication evolved, specifically so with the rise of Social Media Marketing?

    The spread of digital has changed consumption, perception, usability and the use of goods and services, with the corporate communication sector having also been affected. Until about 15 years ago, corporate communication meant just a good company profile and product leaflets presented by a good sales manager in a face to face interaction, delegating to the institutional sites and having a good formal presence. Today, companies must not only be present with a graphic connotation that makes them recognizable but must take actions to consciously produce fresh content on their channels.

    Social networks are a showcase of company’s reputation: it opens up the opportunity of increased visibility that, if properly exploited, allows small entrepreneurial realities to emerge. Reputation is an important form of competitive advantage as it is an intangible value rooted in the experiences of consumers and audience. In this way, it is not something that can be replicated or imitated by competitors, but it is a distinctive quality of each company.  For this reason, companies must be very careful about what they publish, as users will only interact with interesting and unique contents.    

    Social networks are a showcase of company’s reputation: it opens up the opportunity of increased visibility that, if properly exploited, allows small entrepreneurial realities to emerge.

    Softlab was recently awarded the “Best Job Italia 2019” title. The award was given to Softlab for its “formidable corporate welfare policies and superb working environment”. What measures has Softlab put in place to ensure this award and how do you think Softlab differs to other companies with regards to its welfare policies and working environment?  

    Our new CEO, Giovanni Casto, introduced a new business style that has shaped the structure of the company to how it is today. One of his first actions was to reserve a special venue for the company, therefore Softlab is situated at the heart of the city in Rome, in a historic building. The richness and elegance of the internal and external architectural details, together with the importance of the decorative details, makes the structure one of the most expressive works of Mediterranean architecture and an exclusive venue for our company. 

    Regarding the market, Softlab made vast investments in Cyber ​​Security and IoT, and introduced new research laboratories for studying new technologies. Internally, a Job System pattern was introduced in which objectives for each individual resource and training plan were challenged and evaluated. A rewarding scheme was also put in place to ensure every employee was fairly recognized for their achievements, not just individuals in senior positions.  

    One of the distinctive elements of our company is the strong sensitivity of our board members on social issues, with an active commitment to support female victims of violence and with the aim of fostering females into strategical roles within the company. From Client Operations Management to Internal Operations Management, and from Compliance, Strategic Planning, Resource Planning and, last but not least, Market Innovation, women are increasingly visible in all these areas.

    Personally, after several years of corporate communication, I was provided with the opportunity to convey my marketing and analysis knowledge through highly innovative and strategic projects for the company. Softlab’s distinctive element is certainly the strong sensitivity of our board members on social issues, with an active commitment to support female victims of violence.

    Softlab’s distinctive element is certainly the strong sensitivity of our board members on social issues, with an active commitment to support female victims of violence.

    For nearly 20 years you have worked in the Tech Sector. How best would you define digital transformation?

    Digital transformation is the integration of technology and models coming from digitization in all business areas. It is a real change of leadership, with the introduction of new business models and a greater use of technology to improve the experience of all the stakeholders.People are at the heart of digital transformation, because without the right talents and strong leadership that leads the changing process, companies will not be able to offer a high level of services and customer satisfaction. Digital transformation is the integration of technology and models coming from digitization in all business areas.

    Digital transformation is the integration of technology and models coming from digitization in all business areas.

    You are currently participating in our Women Talent Pool Program. What does the program mean to you and what is the most valuable lesson you have learnt? 

    I lacked an international experience in my career and thanks to WIL Board Member Emanuela Palazzani I discovered the WTP. The programme is offering me the opportunity to learn from a range of different professionals who come from varying sectors.  Thanks to the meetings in Paris, London and Brussels, I had the opportunity to listen to the valuable advice of WIL members, and thanks to the many webinars, I was able to learn about the benefits of meditation and learn that it is a key element in the decision-making process. Finally, finding out that women like Ariane Gorin, President of Expedia Partner Solutions, was a former WTP participant like me, fills me with pride. 

    Lastly, I cannot forget the exhortation of WIL member Anne Houtman, during my first debate on the inauguration day in Paris last year: “Be proud Alessia! Try, try, and if you fail, try again!” 

    The Women Talent Pool programme is offering me the opportunity to learn from a range of different professionals who come from varying sectors.

    What do you like to do in your free time and why is it important for you to maintain a good work life balance?

    In my free time, I like to relax with my family, go out with friends and cook for them, but I also love taking time to read a book or watch movies. I don’t have children, and this element allows me to manage my time and relax by doing a lot of sports. I swim almost every morning before going to work, and the daily commitment is stimulating for me and provides discipline in my life.

    Have you ever had a life changing moment that has changed the way you perceive situations?

    In 2004 I had a bad car accident that forced me to be in hospital for around one year, and I still carry the aftermath of the event. I consider myself a privileged person because life has given me the opportunity to stop and consider what is really important in life, starting with the loved ones we take for granted. With the help of my parents and faith, I managed to live with some daily difficulties and find new goals. After the event, I came back to university for graduation and got my current job.

    I strongly believe that every supposedly negative event- either in private or in professional life-can help one grow.

    I strongly believe that every supposedly negative event- either in private or in professional life-can help one grow.

    At WIL, we have the tradition of concluding the interview with a question from Proust’s questionnaire. We have picked the following question for you: What is the quality you most like in female leader?

    I am fully convinced that leadership is an innate virtue that reaches its completeness when it meets confirmation in a professional position.

    Determination and integrity are surely qualities that I mostly appreciate in a female leader, because if it is true that we must be firm and resolute in our professional life. We can never lose sight of our integrity. As Emanuela Palazzani often says: “My integrity cannot be traded”.

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